Hello! My name is Ellie Ann. I am a cinematographer and camera operator by trade. I've been honing my craft for 16 years working in film, tv, and streaming and I truly love what I do. When I was younger, people used to ask me if I was interested in directing and the answer came quick and easy; "nope." "I'm...... not really a post girl. I.......... just love being on set. Who me? I don’t know how to talk to actors.” But, as I get older, I'm finding my perspective changing. What I really love is telling stories. In moving pictures, still pictures, around a campfire, or even snuggling with my boo on the couch. Lately, I find myself distressed with the lack of work/life balance when required to be on set day in and day out. I’m broken when I miss the birthdays, family reunions, and special moments we don't get back. How do we fully love our loved ones when they always come 2nd? At the same time, I still get asked that question. Would you ever want to direct? So, when I was approached about making this very small project to honor some of the hardest-working individuals during the height of the pandemic, it felt like life was telling me time to try it out. Over the course of 2 months, I researched and found participants for the film, I filmed them myself as a one-woman band (also a new feat!), and together with my talented friend, we edited the project. The sound design, music, color correction, and animation wouldn’t have happened without a few amazing individuals who supported me and my learning curve! Sometimes I wasn’t sure I could finish such a big endeavor, however, people were counting on me so failure was not an option. I had no idea it would be so hard and also so rewarding. We told beautiful stories and hopefully, create new appreciation for overlooked individuals every time someone watches. It has a life of its own now. I’m proud of my first film. It was an incredible experience and you know what, I actually liked it! And I will continue doing it if I can.