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Chloe Wine Collection

This video competed in
The She Directed Filmmaker Contest


Meet Bree Labiak, a 15-year-old female professional surfer who uses the ocean as medicine while battling with cystic fibrosis. This terminal lung disease shortens her life immensely, but salt therapy has been scientifically proven to heal the lungs and prolong lifespan. This fierce, young woman is defying her odds by healing with Mother Nature and competing in World Surf League competitions around the country.

This film was entirely created by females. It was written, directed, shot and edited by Talia Schizzano. Music composed by Sydney Schizzano.

  • Beautiful
  • Courageous
  • Fascinating
  • Informative
  • Inspiring
  • Persuasive


  • Youth

    Anglia Walpool-Greenwood