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TRUST Alaska PATTRN Version



This video competed in
Earth Film Challenge


Director(s): Christi Cooper, Katie Lose Gilbertson, Kelly Matheson In this episode of the TRUST Series, meet Nel­son Kanuk, a 17-year old who learned how cli­mate change was affect­ing his com­mu­nity and felt he could best help by shar­ing his story. In this 8-minute film, Nel­son explains that the main prob­lem fac­ing the north­ern parts of the world is that win­ter is com­ing later and later. This results in increased ero­sion due to per­mafrost melt, increased flood­ing due to warmer tem­per­a­tures, and inten­si­fied storms because the sea ice forms later in the sea­son and is unable to pro­vide a nat­ural bar­rier for our coastal com­mu­ni­ties. This, in turn, leads in the loss of homes, com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures, and a way of life

