See You Around
"See You Around" is my senior capstone film for the Morehouse College Cinema, Television, and Emerging Media Studies (CTEMS) class of 2022. It is about an aspiring artist, struggling with his relationship, that must finish his song the night before an impending deadline. The program required us to write, produce, direct, and edit a 7-minute short film (and the option to act, which I chose). This film is very delicate and meaningful to me, as the crew and cast were incredibly minimal. I aimed to tell a story that infuses hip-hop music and film into one motion, while also showing audiences what musicians go through constantly. I would like to thank Imani Racine, Eric Hibbert, Jamon Hoyte, Shane Campbell, Uyinoma James, Shihan, Avery Williams, and the CTEMS class of 2022 for the help and influence in creating this project. We made a film out of sheer determination and vision with close to no resources, and I hope that whoever watches it finds something equally meaningful to take away from it.