For the first time in Croatia, the animated film "The real cost of coal" links into one story the devastating effects of coal exploitation in Colombia with the power plant in Plomin. This power plant has, for many years, been largely supplied by Colombian coal, including from the infamous El Cerrejón, one of the largest coal mines in the world. Like a cancer, Cerrejón devours the environment and natural resources necessary for the life of many native American and Afro-Colombian communities in the region of La Guajira. It grabs their water, land and livelihoods, and greatly contributes to the horrors of the ongoing humanitarian crisis. On the other side of the world, on the eastern coast of the Istrian peninsula, the plant's chimney at Plomin smiles almost sinisterly while emitting greenhouse gases. The thermal power plant bloodthirstily sips water, while it burns the coal from La Guajira. Polluted air harms the health of Croatian citizens and causes climate change. While corporations grab profit, and countries thirst for imported fossil fuels, the local communities that have very much shown that they do not want big mines, or coal power plants are the victims of an unjust development model. The price of coal is much higher than the statistics show, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel...